Monday, October 28, 2013

How My Project is Going So Far...

I was going to do observation on the Pharmaceutical discourse community as an outsider. However, I chose to do it on the campus Library as an insider. So far, my research on discourse communities is going good. Since Atkins Library is right around the corner I was thinking it would be more convenient. Also, observing all of the students in the library would be less awkward than observing a Pharmacy such as CVS or Wallgreens. In general, I am anticipating how the end of my project will look.

I'm also excited where this research will take me. I was looking into the history of libraries also and it seems very interesting. Now, all I have to do is make an outline of my project and continue from there. As of right now, I am putting together all of the interview questions and organizing all of my thoughts onto paper. Since, I've been to Atkins Library many times, I already wrote down previous observations that I have made in the process of studying there a couple of times this semester.

I chose the library because it serves so many great purposes and sometimes as students we may take that for granted. Of course, everyone knows how and what a library functions for; however we seem to overlook many important factors that make this discourse community what it is. I feel that the library is the most unique discourse community out there. Mainly because, almost everyone who walks into one already feels like an insider. Most of the population that decide to go to the library are literate and enjoy reading. Others are there by obligation whether it is for study or for other important assignments this discourse community is fit for everyone.

A library isn't designated for specific people, but at the same time it pulls to it a certain group of people who are similar in many ways. One main element that makes all library members similar is the fact they are going to enhance their own knowledge in something, in a fashion of their own. I would like to implement that into my essay and learn more about this community, through the studies, interview and observation that I make. I am so excited to see where it goes and I hope I learn a lot about this community as a whole.

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