The intricate way in which Scribner describes the art of literacy is very befitting. Scribner begins by defining the different aspects of literature and it's academic significance. Then continues on to the most important aspect of literature and that is the social view of literacy. Since there are many different points of views, socially, when it comes to literature; Scribner proceeds to examining them around three main points. That way, the entire essay will entail a detailed analysis and warrant a deeper understanding of literature in general. The three main divisions that Scribner organizes literacy into are the following: literacy as an adaptation, literacy as a power, and literacy as a state of grace.
Literacy as an Adaptation:
This is the most understood part of literacy. The reason why this is held in high degree is because literacy is a necessity for the adaptation of every human to his/her environment. In order to earn a substantially comfortable livelihood one must be able to communicate well and that requires being literate. Communication and literacy is also an important factor in securing jobs or advancing to better working conditions. Now a days literacy is an adaptation. In fact starting kids as young as five with school, is the systematic way of establishing a strong foundation of literacy in younger children for their benefit in the future. Hence, the reason why this way of functional literacy is an approach for the well rounded adaptation of an individual.
Literacy as Power:
"Historically, literacy has been a potent tool in maintaining the hegemony of elites and dominant classes in certain societies, while laying the basis for an increase in the social and political participation of others."
As stated above by Scribner in the section explaining Literacy as Power, literacy is not only an aspect that is specifically special to the social grace and individual adaptation of an individual. It is also a means to attaining a strong threshold in the pyramid of social hierarchy. If one wants to grasp the passage to living a stable life, literacy is a must. This allows an individual not only to attain educational equity with those above him/her but it also allows them the effective participation in society as a whole. Nonetheless, the main point Scribner makes is that literacy is a road that paves way to giving the poor and the minority the possibility to claim their way to a higher pedestal and better opportunities. In other words, "Knowledge is Power." is not a observation that was made blindly, it actually holds true in maintaining a well established way of life. Literacy is the foundation of knowledge. Every human being, regardless of status was gifted with intellect and because of this, power is a reach and a possibility to those who aspire to reach higher potential.
Literacy as a State of Grace:
Looking into the section titled Literacy as a State of Grace Scribner covers a very true and significant aspect of literature; the fact that the entire world has a certain belief that they hold true to themselves. Whether it is the three Abraham faiths; Islam, Judaism, or Christianity, literacy is an important aspect in every religious teaching. From my personal experience, being able to read the Qur'an and understand it denotes that one is well versed in their teachings, not necessarily holy. Being one who was surrounded by those who memorize the Qur'an, shows me firsthand that being able to be literate in Arabic was of importance. Scribner, was very exact in his portrayal of literacy being important when it comes to forming an understanding between the different religious teachings.
After reading the thoughts of Scribner concerning all three of these factors in literature, I can easily relate to most of the points made in this essay. Her way of devising the entire meaning of literature created for me an essential outlook on literature and its important role in society.
I completely agree with your post about Scribner's definition of literacy. I enjoyed the part of the post that talked about Literacy as Power. Knowledge is Power and the more you exercise your mind, the more successful you will become in the future.
ReplyDeleteI found that I enjoyed writing that particular section compared to the others. Especially since I can relate to it and since it was convenient knowing everyone can also. So we are on the same page! Appreciate it.